Edgewood College: Mock Campaign
Scripting, voice acting, radio production
After having suffered through bland college radio ads extolling the age-old virtues of a continued education , I wanted to take Edgewood in a fresh direction by incorporating humor and edge to capture listeners' attention.
I believed a fun, professional tone would bode well with the college's older demographic who aspire for a more personality-packed college option that fits in with their busy lifestyle.

The main challenge I faced was conveying the necessary information in a unconventional way that wouldn't lose sight of the main message objectives. To do that, I used
 exaggerated differences between an Edgewood education and that of out-of-touch universities, highlighting Edgewood's strengths. In conjunction with the campaign's tagline of "We Know You," I demonstrated how the college caters to the lives of working professionals and the challenges they face returning to school.

Online colleges churn out printable degrees, impersonal professors zip students through lectures, and indifferent lab partners choose clubs over coursework.
"Online Astronaut"
Edgewood wanted to address their expanded online courses while also avoiding the stigma web-based classes sometimes carry. In this script, I took peoples' negative assumptions to the extreme in order to show how an online education from Edgewood could be just as engaging and intimate as a regular college class.
"I'm Still Jessica"
One of Edgewood's greatest strengths lies in its smaller class sizes where students can easily interact with the professor and fellow students. At the same time, I sought to drive home the campaign's message of "We Know You" by showing how the big university professor is incapable of meeting Jessica's needs as a working professional.
"The Freeloader"
Adult students differ vastly from those fresh from high school as they struggle to balance their schooling with family life and  full-time employment. By highlighting these differences, I wanted to show how Edgewood caters to these older students in ways that other colleges don't.
Hummer: Mock Campaign
 Scripting, voice acting, sound editing
Working on the Hummer campaign required a two-pronged approach. Not only did we need our messages to appeal to potential Hummer holders, but also shift the car's negative public image from a gas-gulping gargantuan to something more positive. 

Research of Hummer drivers showed us the target audience cared more about what the brand represented (power, independence, patriotism) than the car's actual features. So our ads played up Hummer's aspirational qualities, portraying it as a strong, powerful car for young professionals. We believed this sort of messaging, coupled with solid PR, would take the focus off gas mileage and onto financial status.
Each Hummer ad exemplifies qualities the target audience strives for including success, individuality, accomplishment, and unconventionality.
"Overcome: Envy"
I wanted to showcase Hummer's in a lighter way that still drove home the vehicle's aspirational appeal. I thought a jealous neighbor desperate would do just that and provide some laughs that weren't at the expense of the Hummer driver. On top of that, the fact that Gary wants to borrow the car to impress a potential employer implies a high professional status for the owner.
"Overcome: The Unexpected"
Meant to be aired during Christmas in conjunction with our "Fill Santa's Hummer" PR campaign, this ad demonstrates the strength of the car and its status as an object of desire, even amongst elves. Instead of a Hummer ripping through an arctic tundra on its own, I thought putting it in the context of a story would make it more memorable and turn it into the story's hero.


Two mock radio campaigns for a local college and global auto-manufacturer
